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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Authorization Definition - How Federal Agencies are Born
Approval Definition - How Federal Agencies are Born Did you ever think about how a government program or office appeared? Or then again why they theres a fight each year about whether they ought to get citizen cash for their activities? The appropriate response is in the government approval process. An approval is characterized as a piece ofâ legislation that sets up or proceeds with one orâ more bureaucratic offices or projects, as indicated by the administration. An approval charge that become law either makes another office or program and afterward takes into consideration it to be supported by citizen cash. An approval bill commonly sets how much cash those offices and projects get, and how they ought to spend the money.â Approval bills can make both changeless and brief projects. Instances of perpetual projects are Social Security and Medicare, which are frequently alluded to asâ entitlement programs. Other programs that are not legally accommodated on a lasting premise are financed every year or at regular intervals as a major aspect of the allotments procedure. So the production of government projects and offices occurs through the approval procedure. What's more, the presence of those projects and organizations is sustained through the allotments procedure. Heres a more intensive glance at the approval procedure and the appointment process.â Approval Definitionâ Congress and the president set up programs through the approval procedure. Congressional advisory groups with locale over explicit branches of knowledge compose the enactment. The term â€Å"authorization†is utilized in light of the fact that this kind of enactment approves the consumption of assets from the government financial plan. An approval may indicate how much cash ought to be spent on a program, yet it doesn't really put aside the cash. The portion of citizen cash occurs during the apportionments procedure. Numerous projects are approved for a particular measure of time. The panels should audit the projects before their lapse to decide how well they are functioning and whether they should keep on getting subsidizing. Congress has, every so often, made projects without subsidizing them. In one of the most prominent models, the â€Å"No Child Left Behind†instruction billâ passed during the George W. Hedge organization was an approval charge that set up various projects to improve the nation’s schools. It didn't, be that as it may, state the federalâ governmentâ wouldâ definitely burn through cash on the projects. An approval bill is fairly similar to an essential chasing permit for an apportionment instead of an assurance, writes Auburn University political researcher Paul Johnson. No allotment can be made for an unapproved program, yet even an approved program may in any incredible be not able to play out the entirety of its doled out capacities for absence of an adequately huge assignment of assets. Apportionments Definition In apportionments bills, Congress and the president express the measure of cash that will be spent on government programs during the following monetary year.â By and large, the apportionments procedure tends to the optional part of the financial plan †spending running from national resistance to sanitation to instruction to government representative compensations, yet avoids required spending, for example, Medicare and Social Security, which is spent naturally as indicated by recipes, says the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. There are 12 allocations subcommittees in each place of Congress. They are separated among wide branches of knowledge and each composes a yearly allocations measure. The 12 allocations subcommittees in the House and Senate are: Agribusiness, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related AgenciesCommerce, Justice, Science, and Related AgenciesDefenseEnergy and Water DevelopmentFinancial Services and General GovernmentHomeland SecurityInterior, Environment, and Related AgenciesLabor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related AgenciesLegislative BranchMilitary Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related AgenciesState, Foreign Operations, and Related ProgramsTransportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Some of the time programs dont get the fundamental subsidizing during the apportionments procedure despite the fact that theyve been authorized. In maybe the most glaring model, pundits of the â€Å"No Child Left Behind†instruction lawâ say that while Congress and the Bush organization made the program in the approval procedure, they never satisfactorily tried to support them through the allocations process.â It is feasible for Congress and the president to approve a program however not to finish financing for it. Issues With the Authorization and Appropriations System There are several issues with the approval and appropriationsâ process. To start with, Congress has neglected to survey and reauthorize numerous projects. Butâ it likewise has not allowed those projects to programs. The House and Senate just postpone their guidelines and put in a safe spot cash for the projects at any rate. Second, the distinction among approvals and allocations befuddles most voters. A great many people accept that if a program is made by the administrative governmentâ it is additionally supported. That is wrong.â [This article was refreshed in July 2016 by U.S. Governmental issues Expert Tom Murse.]
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Bayezid I :: Ancient History European
Bayezid I-(r.1389-1402) Ottoman ruler who began to blockade Constantinople in 1395. The Europeans considered him to be another danger to Christendom, and Hungary’s ruler drove English, French, German, and Balkan knights in a campaign against the Turks. He crushed them at Nicopolis, and moved their capital from Bursa to France. On the off chance that Bayezid had not crushed the Christians, the Ottoman Empire probably won't have taken Constantinople. The militaries of Timur crushed him close to Ankara in 1402 where he was taken prisoner and kicked the bucket in bondage. Captiulations-offered self-rule to outsiders living in a Muslim region (a training received by the Ottomans). European nationals were liberated from having to bey Ottoman laws or cover charges. This pulled in European merchants, and saved the hassocks from settling their debates. Framework embraced from the Mamluks. Constantinople previous capital of the Byzantine Empire and of the Ottoman Empire , since 1930 authoritatively called Istanbul (for area and depiction, see Istanbul ). It was established (AD 330) at old Byzantium as the new capital of the Roman Empire by Constantine I, after whom it was named. The biggest and most impressive European city of the Middle Ages, Constantinople shared the wonders and changes of the Byzantine Empire, which at long last was diminished to the city and its environs. Albeit attacked incalculable occasions by different people groups, it was taken just three timesâ€in 1204 by the military of the Fourth Crusade (see Crusades ), in 1261 by Michael VIII, and in 1453 by the Ottoman Sultan Muhammad II. Shielded by Greek fire , it was likewise all around sustained. An early internal divider was raised by Constantine I, and the amplified Constantinople was encircled by a triple mass of fortresses, started (fifth penny.) by Theodosius II. Based on seven slopes, the city on the Bosp orus introduced the presence of an invulnerable post encasing an ocean of brilliant royal residences and plated arches and towers. In the tenth penny., it had a cosmopolitan populace of around 1 million. The Church of Hagia Sophia , the hallowed castle of the rulers (a city in itself); the gigantic hippodrome, focal point of the well known life; and the Golden Gate, the central passage into the city; were among the biggest of the scores of chapels, open buildings, and landmarks that lined the expansive arcaded roads and squares. Constantinople had an extraordinary abundance of imaginative and abstract fortunes before it was sacked in 1204 and 1453.
Friday, August 21, 2020
How The Independent Publishing Magazine Can Increase Your Profits
How The Independent Publishing Magazine Can Increase Your Profits If youre an indie author, in addition to writing gripping prose, you are required to make difficult and costly business decisions in a rapidly changing, digital industry. Many authors find the myriad choices available to be utterly baffling. The Independent Publishing Magazine (TIPM), an online affiliated website, guides authors toward making smart choices through ratings and reviews of publishing services, and meaty trade news.Founded by Netherlands-based editor/journalist/author/publishing consultant Mick Rooney in 2007, the blog averages about one post per week, comprising a newsy and analytical resource for authors and small publishers who are developing a brand.Commended by Writers Digest 101 Best Websites for Writers, and Feedspots Top 100 Self Publishing Blogs and Websites for Independent Authors, among other fans, TIPM is listed among scores of websites that review publishing resources. It is unique, however, in featuring the originally researched and synthesized Publishing S ervice Index.The Publishing Service Index not only rates and reviews publishing services, it ranks companies over time, providing a picture of overall industry trends, and enabling the author to evaluate a company like a stock. Hey, you might as well hitch your fortune to a star! For instance, a trip through the archives shows the closure of CreateSpace was foreseen by TIPM analysis at least a couple of years ago. Armed with this knowledge, the savvy and efficient indie author might have opted to invest resources with Ingram Spark or Smashwords. (More about the Publishing Service Index later.)Photo by rawpixel on UnsplashA roadmap for accessing TIPM intelWriters new to self-publishing should immerse themselves in the New to Publishing articles under the Author Resources tab. A seven-part series entitled The Future of Publishing 2020 makes an excellent primer of industry dynamics. Rooney discusses the evolutions of traditional and self-publishing business models with an entertaining, insider voice. Guest posters provide step-by-step How-to articles and videos to quickly get the new indie author up to speed. Or progress more quickly with searches for key topics by using the red-boxed tags.After digesting the fundamentals, assess your own skill set before deciding what services you are going to need. How much of the publishing work do you want to take on yourself? Do you want to design your own cover, or prepare an entire book file for publication? Which jobs do you want to contract out? There is no right or wrong answer. There may be as many logical choices as there are writers.Its important to articulate your requirements and expectations, then match your needs with the best services and companies for the project. Some companies offer a whole gamut of services presented in packages. Others specialize in particular services from an a la carte menu.In addition, you can use TIPMs powerfully informative Publishers Service Index to identify the companies that will b est meet your objectives. Launched in June 2010, the Publishing Service Index is now released twice a year.Service providers such as Matador, Ingram Spark, Kindle Direct Publishing, Kobo Writing Life, and about eighty or ninety others are rated according to TIPMs proprietary algorithm. The formula considers both anecdotal author feedback and objective, weighted criteria, such as (not listed in any particular order):Volume of titlesYears in existenceFees chargedTIPM review ratingService rangeDistribution rangeCustomer support and transparencyThese factors produce an index rating, which determines each companys rank.Remember that the companies profiled offer differing services. So, to avoid comparing apples to pears, reviews focus on what a company claims it will do, and the extent to which it delivers the promised service to customers.Photo by Edho Pratama on UnsplashMore about The Publishing Service IndexThe Publishing Service Index is not presented as an exact science, nor is it ex haustive. There are hundreds of self-publishing service providers in the USA alone. But the Index is a powerful mass of information in one website. Check out the November 2018 Publishing Service Index.Results are ranked in a clickable table that links the author to detailed, in-depth reviews and updates for each publishing service listed. First, survey the Index to decide the kind(s) of service(s) that best fit your needs. Then drill into the individual reviews.Be sure to read or scan all the way down to the Comments section, where real live authors who have dealt with that company may flag a warning, or sing praises to other authors who are considering using the same service.Dont feel you need to choose a company listed in the top five. Some authors will find it optimal to use a combination of companies, particularly if you are publishing in both e-book and print formats. Just because a company and their services dont fit with your requirements, doesnt mean its a bad company. That said, the further down the Index your choice falls, as an author, the more likely you may be to find a company with mixed or negative feedback, and less flexibility.TIPM Editor-in-Chief Mick Rooney expounds on the November 2018 Publishing Service Index with this analysis:With CreateSpace shuttering and Amazon continuing with its longer-term strategy to merge and streamline its print and ebook platforms, I have dropped CreateSpace to the bottom of the index ahead of its imminent closure.The recent indices reflect something of a mini-resurgence for some of the top-rated Full-Service Providers. While IngramSpark maintains third position, Kindle Direct Publishing has now slipped to second, and Matador for the first time hits the top spot.I am finding it increasingly difficult to suggest a large and varied pool of reputable full publishing service providers to authors looking to go in that direction, particularly if an author wants both print and ebook editions of their book.We are movin g to a publishing landscape where authors need to take greater control in the management of their book projects, and that means looking to publishing marketplaces to connect with professionals, whether an author is looking for a book designer, a skilled book formatter, an editor, or marketing and promotional assistance.IPM Editor-in-Chief Mick RooneyIf thats the case, trustworthy reviews and ratings of a la carte publishing service providers remain essential.Beyond the publishing service indexAdditionally found within the site, robust articles, not promotional puff pieces, are catalogued under the headings of Self Publishing, Traditional Publishing, and Digital/Traditional Marketing. From News and Opinions, to Advice and Technology, Forums,TIPMs editorial scope thoroughly covers independent publishing, as well as its intersection with traditional publishing in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Western Europe.Going back to 2013, frank reporting covers innovations, and merger s and splits, from notable industry players down to startups that have already gone bust. Penguin imprints, Vantage, Kobo, Reedsy, prestigious awards to self-published authors, the London/Frankfurt Book Fairs, Blurb, Lulu, Nook, BookBaby, Bowker, Liberty Hill, Barnes Nobel, WattPad, BooksAMillion, Pronoun/Vook, Fast Pencil, Blurb, Troubadour, Unbound, Google Playbooks and PubSlush, are among many more subjects.You can read, for instance, the Author Solutions exposé as events unfolded resulting in the first class-action lawsuit filed against Author Solutions in the summer of 2013, by several authors who charged the company with fraud. The Author Solutions model of gouging and exploiting authors (often new writers) was denounced in a second lawsuit alleging deceptive practices and the exploitation of seniors. The cases were dismissed in 2015.A rigorous education for authorsTIPM archives trace the exciting evolution of independent publishing and offer the website user a rigorous educ ation. Authors turn to The Independent Publishing Magazine for extensive knowledge of all aspects of self-publishing, for consistency, and for passion on the part of its Editor-in-Chief.In the November 2018 Publishing Service Index, Mick Rooney stated:I rarely now review new companies in the full-service provider arena and even updating existing provider reviews takes a significant amount of time and effort. I continue to have a backlog of reviews that need updating or a complete rewrite. I appreciate that companies keep me up-to-date on their development plans, but if I am brutally honest (and you know I often am!), I dont see the innovation in publishing I experienced going back over the past five years. Also, bear in mind that TIPM is no longer a full-time occupation for me and Im very grateful to our many guest posters.IPM Editor-in-Chief Mick RooneyWith this admission, its fair to ask if TIPM will continue to provide the timely and critical decision-making information credited with by this review, and that serious indie authors have come to rely upon. It is certainly feasible for the Magazine to continue with quality, efficient delivery of industry news on the strength of its guest posters, because we need a lot of perspectives to really see the field of indie publishing.As it stands today, the blog can have a huge, positive impact on your self-publishing success by serving as at least one guidepost to help you find the most fitting service, and saving you from falling into the hands of scammers and companies not keeping their promises.You worked hard to write that book. You deserve to profit from its sale. Transform yourself from a dreamy creative into a savvy indie publisher in the time it takes to thoroughly study The Independent Publishing Magazine and its archives.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Theory Of Self Actualization Essay - 940 Words
For many years psychologist has observed and deliberated over humans and their life’s goals. The three much known psychologists came up with the concepts and they are: Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers and Viktor Frankl alone with many others. These three psychologist had studied and constructed the theory of self-Actualization and the meaning of life. They have agreed that self-actualization represents growth of an individual towards fulfillment of the highest need. Roger’s created the theory implicating, growth potential, by focusing on the, real self and the, ideal self, implying that this come with a full functioning person (Roger, Carl R., 2007) . Maslow, reflects his theory on, free will, and determinism, by giving techniques that separates different individuals (Maslow, Abraham..H.1959) . Frankl, theory is existentialism is one of the major features that present psychotherapy (Frankl, 1967). These psychologists is interested in understanding and helping humans by becom ing more hopeful in themselves. By understanding and study of human’s weakness and changing their weakness into strengths and virtue. The reason for psychologist is to fix what broken and finding treatment within ourselves. The help of Rogers, Maslow, and Frankl gives clients advice, techniques to inspire humans, and examples of what is life’s fulfillments. Psychologist Carl Rogers theorized on humanistic, and Roger’s article ‘’The Necessary and Sufficient conditions of Therapeutic Personality Change,Show MoreRelatedMaslows Theory Of Self Actualization1410 Words  | 6 PagesMaslow’s Theory of Self-Actualization According to Ellis, Abrams, Abrams (2009), Maslow’s theory of self-actualization can be defined as, â€Å"†¦an innate tendency of human beings to fulfill and enhance their potential, provided that basic physical and social needs are met†(p.620). Maslow viewed human beings in a unique way and altered his original idea of what someone who achieved this highest level of potential was. Maslow believed that individuals who achieved this potential could be defined throughRead MoreMaslow s Theory Of Self Actualization772 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction: The theory of self-actualization was introduced by psychologist Abraham Maslow. Maslow s famous work â€Å"Hierarchy of Needs†has drawn admiration and criticisms from supporters and opponents alike. For Maslow, man quest for self-actualization falls within five hierarchical orders set up in a pyramid style. To become everything that one is capable of becoming, Maslow, noted that the order in which these needs are fulfilled does not always follow the standard progression. FurtherRead MoreMaslow s Theory Of Self Actualization Essay2048 Words  | 9 Pagesconcept of self-actualization which is the term used to describe the state of self-fulfillment in which people realize their highest potentials in their own unique way. Maslow’s theory includes sublevels that must be achieved before reaching self-actualization. In this paper, I will explain how each of his previous levels have affected my life, and give an idea of when I may hope to achieve self-actualization. Self-actualization is the term that Abraham Maslow used to describe the state of self-fulfillmentRead MoreMaslow s Theory Of Self Actualization1824 Words  | 8 PagesMaslow Abraham H. Maslow, an American psychologist who explores the complexities of human nature in his theoretical piece, The Farther Reaches of Human Nature, examines the theory of self-actualization. This theory, which focuses on experiencing completely, evocatively and selflessly while maintaining full focus and absorption, is practiced to become the best version of oneself and undergo transcendence (44). Maslow’s ideals are influential and implemented by James Arthur Baldwin. Baldwin, a civilRead MoreAbraham Maslow and the Self-Actualization Theory2040 Words  | 9 PagesAbraham Maslow was a man who has a tremendous influence on early childhood education. Maslow’s theory was about achieving self-actualization with the satisfaction of human needs. According to Maslow’s theory basic needs have to be satisfied before any other higher level needs can be satisfied. â€Å"Abraham Maslow proposed what has become an almost definitive model of self-actualization with his theory of hierarchy of needs.†(Hanley, Abell, 2002). The hierarchy consists of five different levelsRead MoreMaslow s Theory Of Self Actualization1221 Words  | 5 Pages(2011), Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist, believed that everyone has a need for self-actualization, to develop an individual’s full potential by maximizing his/her talents and abilities. Maslow proposed that human needs are categorized in a hierarchy into the following requirements (from basic to complex and/or advanced needs): physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and then self-actualization (Maslow, 2006). The hierarchy is often projected as a pyramid figure, with basic needsRead MoreSelf Determination Theory And Actualization Of Human Potential800 Words  | 4 PagesIn an article called Self-determination theory and actualization of human potential, by Deci, Ryan and Guay(2013) it was written that in order to become a fully functioning individual and have the ability to actualize human potential a number of things need to occur. One has to be able to experience the satisfaction of basic human psychological needs, be intrinsically motivated, be able to internalize extrinsic motivation and also be able to regulate emotions. Humans have a tendency to develop andRead MoreSelf Determination Theory And Actualization Of Human Potential988 Words  | 4 PagesThe article, Self-Determination Theory and Actualization of Human Potential, written by Edward L. Deci, Richard M. Ryan, and Frederic Guay goes in depth on the ideas and meaning of human potential and the different theories associated with concept of self. Human potential is something that everyone is born with, however only some people have the chance or the self-determination to nurture that potential and see it grow. Self-determination or self-actualization is the realization of one’s own individualRead MoreSelf Determination Theory And Actualization Of Human Potential871 Words  | 4 PagesThe article Self-Determination Theory And Actualization of Human Potential by Edward L. Deci, Richard M. Ryan, and Frederic Guay outlines the self-determination theory and defines for the reader the very concept of self-determination. All humans have the potential for the progression towards honesty and enlightenment, but in order to obtain actualization, essential human needs must be met (Deci et al., 2013). This article disclosed three essential needs: competence, relatedness, and autonomy. TheRead MoreMaslows Theory of Self-Actualization and Giving Up on Dreams1004 Words  | 5 Pagesproblem that people sometimes abandon their dreams. It happens throughout human history. A famous psychologist Abraham Maslow has a theory (Fig. 1) which is widely accepted by people. That is we are having different levels of needs. Some of them are basic, and some are at a higher level. Our behavior of chasing the dreams can be understood as fulfilling the Self-Actualization Needs. Once we feel that chasing this particular dream cannot satisfy the need s, we give up, and look for other things to fight
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Trail of Tears Forceful Removal of Indians in the US
The forceful removal and exodus of thousands of Native Americans from their lands east of the Mississippi River during the 1830s is often called the Trail of Tears. This removal of Native Americans from their lands was a result of the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which was signed by then-President Andrew Jackson one year into his presidency and which President Martin Van Buren ensured was carried out. When Andrew Jackson became President of the United States in 1829, he based his decision of signing the Indian Removal Act of 1830 into law based on his previous experiences as an Army general, during which he frequently fought against the Creeks in Georgia and the Seminoles in Florida, campaigns that resulted in the transfer of land from Native Americans to white settlers. The Indian Removal Act of 1830 gave the federal government the power to exchange Native-held land in the cotton kingdom east of the Mississippi for land to the West, in the Indian colonization zone that the United States had acquired as part of the Louisiana Purchase. While the Indian Removal Act of 1830 required the fair negotiation of treaties between the federal government and individual Native American nations, and prohibited the President or others from coercing Native Americans from giving up land, these stipulations were frequently ignored. The Native Americans that were forced to abide by the Indian Removal Act of 1830 were the Choctaws, Seminoles, Creeks, Chickasaws, and Cherokees who heldShow MoreRelatedThe Impacts Of A Cherokee Story : Trail Of Tears920 Words  | 4 PagesStory: Trail of Tears One of the major atrocities early in the United States (US) expansion came after President Andrew Jackson approved of and signed the Indian Removal Act in 1830. This document set the foundation for what would be known as the Trail of Tears. The Trail of Tears was the forceful relocation of give main Native American tribes from their eastern lands, to newly established territories located west of the Mississippi River (Dwyer, 2014, p. 33). After researching the Trail of Tears’Read MoreNative Americas And The West Of The Mississippi River1438 Words  | 6 Pagescultivate cotton on Indian Lands, president Jackson and the federal government forced the natives to vacate their homeland and have thousands miles walk to a designated â€Å"Indian territory†which was at the west of the Mississippi river. The journey and the route that they travelled was hindered with many adverse and sometime deadly challenges and it came to be referred to as the trail of tears from the C herokee phrase â€Å"Nunna daul Tsuny†that directly translates into â€Å"The Trail Where They Cried†.Read MoreThe Trail Of Tears : A Dark Period1604 Words  | 7 PagesThe trail of tears was a dark period in US history. Fueled by greed and racism but rationalized through what we believed was best for our country, we took even more from people who had already lost so much. We deemed natives as incompatible with society because they did not share our beliefs and culture. Now in modern times, we face issues that are parallel to this era and there are many things that can and should be learned from our mistakes and generalizations from the past. In the years leadingRead MoreOn How the American Indians Were Removed from Their Land1586 Words  | 7 PagesOne by one Indian peoples were removed to the West. The Delaware, the Ottawa, Shawnee, Pawnee and Potawatomi, the Sauk and Fox, Miami and Kickapoo, the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek and Seminole. In all some 90 thousand Indians were relocated. The Cherokee were among the last to go. Some reluctantly agreed to move. Others were driven from their homes at bayonet point. Almost two thousands of them died along the route they remembered as the Trail of Tears. For decades, the state of Georgia soughtRead MoreCruel and Inhuman Treatment of Native Americans by the Colonists1494 Words  | 6 Pagesdesire or reason anything but minimal contact with the Indians. However, starting in the 1700s the European colonists population skyrocketed. The need for more resources became evident and the colonists knew they could attain these necessities by creating a relationship of mutual benef it with the Native tribes. The Indians, at first skeptical, however became growingly open to the colonists and the relationship they were looking to attain. Indian furs were traded for colonial goods and military alliancesRead MoreSpeech On Columbus Day1430 Words  | 6 Pagesremember some of the painful events in our nation’s history. To the majority of us, Christopher Columbus was taught by our school teachers to be a hero. Generation after generation, children in the American public school system grow up essentially ignorant of the horrific oppression that has occurred to the original inhabitants of our country. Schools teach lessons about the first thanksgiving with the pilgrims and the Indians, and ensure that students memorize that Columbus founded the New World in 1492--often
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Placing The Blame On Hale s The Crucible - 860 Words
Placing the Blame on Hale The town of Salem, Massachusetts was a quiet, uneventful town for quite some time. When accusations of witchcraft began circling certain members of the community, Reverend Parris called in outside help. Reverent John Hale came from Beverly, the next town over. He strongly believes that everyone has a good side, though that belief sometimes alters his perception of people. Though his attempts to help were noble, he could have prevented over fifty deaths by staying out of Salem. Hale becomes the primary cause of the witch hunts because he’s overly trusting, kind, and often rushes to solve complex problems in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. As a general rule, Hale believes most of what he’s told, without questioning the truth of it. Not long after coming to Salem, Hale begins questioning members of the community about witchcraft. To Abigail, he asks, â€Å"Did you call the Devil last night?†(481 Miller), to which she replies, seemingl y fearfully, â€Å"I never called him! Tituba, Tituba†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (481 Miller). To the reader, it’s rather obvious that Abigail is attempting to blame Tituba for her suspicious actions. Parris interrupts, asking, â€Å"She called the Devil?†(481 Miller), and Hale begins to shift his suspicion, saying, â€Å"I should like to speak with Tituba.†(481 Miller). Nearly immediately after Hale has another person to focus his questioning on, he accepts Abigail’s story and moves on. Hale could have avoided this by noting the name, but continuing toShow MoreRelatedSuperstitions By The Crucible By Arthur Miller1206 Words  | 5 Pages Superstitions in The Crucible Superstitions lead to various impacts because a superstition is a belief that is not backed up by any facts, often straying from rational though. Miller expresses this idea throughout The Crucible as a rumor of witchcraft invades the small Puritan town of Salem, Massachusetts. In the Puritan religion the Devil plays a very important role. The Puritans believed that every bad deed was motivated by the devil, some of these included writing love poems, listening to religiousRead MoreThe Art Of Deception : The Origin Of And Escape From The Spread Of Falsehoods Essay1413 Words  | 6 PagesFalsehoods Throughout the centuries, episodes of hysteria have disturbed humanity, plaguing both small communities and powerful empires. Although often short-lived, these instances of widespread panic can disrupt social and political order. In The Crucible, Arthur Miller reveals that self-centered ambition underlies the spread of false ideas, which can fuel societal paranoia. However, Miller argues that individuals can escape this hysteria and preserve their dignity if they choose to sacrifice theirRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesand permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The globalization of business education - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about The globalization of business education. Answer: Introduction The expansion of business can bring the various opportunities such as favourable financing opportunities and new personnel. Globalization as the contextual factor has been chosen for expanding the new start up venture. Globalization refer as a concept in which progress of a region can take place in quick manner because it has the ability to communicate in easy way with others all over the world for the purpose of conducting business internationally. The report will reflect the expansion of new start up by considering the conceptual factor. Medilife has started as a new business start up, which is able to provide the online medical facility to the customers. It provides the online portal where the customer has access to search out the hospital from the lower range to higher range in Australia. Customer can book the appointment from doctors after analyzing the hospital on the portal without going anywhere. To expand the business globally, the role of globalization is vital. The report will reflect the potential benefits and the challenges of this contextual factor on the business. With the help of this contextual factor, the company can expand its business globally which will be beneficial for the company in the context of increasing the market share. Contextual factor- Globalization Globalization is considered as the process of integration and interaction among the people, government and the companies of different countries. There are four dimensions of globalization which involves the expansion of activities of social, cultural and economic across regions and political frontiers. The second dimension of it suggests the amplification of interconnectedness such as culture finance, trade and investment. The developing strength and importance of global interrelations can be linked with the process and interaction of global; it enhances the opportunity of the communication. The last dimension describes that due to increase strength, importance and velocity of the global connections, the boundaries between global affairs and domestic issues have developed (Murthy, 2011). Potential benefits of globalization on Medilife Business expansion and market diversification Medilife is the new business and it can be expanded globally with the help of globalization. However, Medilife is in Australia and provide medical facility to the customers of this country via internet facility. The benefit of globalization of Medilife is that it make good bonding with foreign people and facilitates to increase the business and employment. Diversification can be attained by involving into new markets with different pricing strategies. It will be helpful for making changes in the products as per the requirement of the customers. Increase the market share The market share of the company can be increased with the help of contextual factor that is globalization. Due to expansion of business, the sales of the company will certainly increase. The market share of Medilife can be increased by strengthening customer relations, innovation, acquiring competitors and smart hiring practices. The role of market share is vital in the companies which can utilize to critic the importance of any possible revenue developing efforts such as CRM programs, marketing campaigns and branding initiatives (PiscitelloSgobbi, 2004). Customer base development Globalization has developed the ability to buy life changing goods for consumers. The flexibility has been provided by globalization of various consumption alternatives at affordable rate. The amendments can take place in the societies and cultures across the world due to globalization. A beneficial aspect of globalization is the enhancement in the goods and services available to the customers and decrease in the price (Dunning, 2014). There are number of companies that haveexpanded its business globally such as McDonalds Restaurant that has opened in 1973 and now it has more than 30,000 restaurants globally. The number of customers is increased in Medilife due to globalization. The trust of customer will enhance on the company due to expansion of the business. Customer would prefer Medilife to find out the medical services in all over the world and can fix the appointments with doctor by analyzing the rate and the availability of the services (Prasad, Rogoff, Wei Kose, 2005). Huge untapped market to operate However, the strong competitors of Medilife are not available in online medical services that prevent it from major competition with competitors. Globalization is able to provide the opportunity to new business of huge untapped market to operate. It would be great opportunity for the new business to reach at different location for business along with that it will bring new changes in the country (Clarke, 2013). New entrants will be threat for the company but Medilife can become the symbol of success of it expands its business globally and new entrants can learn from Medilife. Potential challenges of globalization on Medilife Fluctuation in prices The major challenge is fluctuation in prices due to globalization. Medilife has to set up the price strategies because competition has increased day by day and developed countries are forced to lower their rates for their products. The company has provided the facility of medical to the customers via internet but before putting any relevant information about the location and the hospitals, company need to analyze the entire environment of the location where it want to develop its business. The lower rate of services can bring the adverse situation for the company and reduce the ability to sustain social welfare in their countries (Wiersema Bowen, 2008). Diversity in culture The culture, languages and trends of each country is different and expansion of business in new country can bring the challenge for the company because company need to give option on different languages over the portal so that the local citizens can understand the description about the hospitals across the world. However, it would be great opportunity for the business to provide the facility of medical to the customers who are not aware about the treatment of worst diseases but diversity can be the reason of challenge for the company (Homann, KoslowskiLuetge, 2007). Political Threat The scenario of political of different countries is not stable and company has to face number of challenges due to different policies of countries. The variations in policies are the challenge of globalization on the business of Medilife. Conversely, due to globalization employment increase in all over the world but the fact is that outsourcing takes away number of jobs and skilled people from one country to another, leaving many without opportunities (Jianzhong, 2008). There are various barriers about free trade such as 161 countries have value added taxes (VAT) on imports which has high rate (Ferraro Briody, 2017). Technological glitch Medilife is based on the technology which is the key source of competitiveness in the online service. Technology has changed rapidly and unawareness about latest technology may bring the challenges for the business to adhere (Kohut Wike, 2008). Up gradations are done in the technology on frequent basis which is vital to offer updated services to the consumers. Along with that there are number of developing countries in which people do not have sufficient knowledge about how to access on the portal to find out the medical services (Lee Vivarelli, 2006). Legal risk Legal regulations are different of each country and the changes in the legal and political scenario may amend the approach and legislation of the government. There are some agreements such as NAFTA and the South Korean korus trade agreement which have been great impact on the multinational corporations but due to this employment of unites states are eliminated. Medilife can face the number of challenges due to emergence of lawsuits (Globalization, (e.d.). Recommendations It has been recommended that Medilife should explore the different market globally before expanding the business only basis on earning profits. As it has been discussed that there are various developing countries where people are not aware about how to operate portal in such case company should implement the simple process of inserting the mobile number so that the executives of company can reach them by making calls on their numbers. To prevent from legal, market and economic risk, company should analyze the conditions of the country by putting itself as the business because company cannot prevent to face the challenges due to globalization but various strategies and policies can be implemented by the company to make it more impartial. Conclusion In the limelight of above discussion, it has been concluded that globalization is the process that bring so many countries at one place and enhance the employment across the world. The discussion has been made on Medilife to expand its business globally. The report has been reflected the potential benefits and the challenges of this contextual factor on the business. 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