Monday, September 30, 2019

Physics Ib Chapter 4 Notes

CSimple Harmonic Motion and Waves Kinematics of simple harmonic motion: Oscillation: an effect expressible as a quantity that repeatedly and regularly fluctuates above and below a average value, as the pressure of an alternating current. Examples include: †¢ Cycle: One cycle is defined as one complete oscillation of the pendulum (A-B-A) †¢ Equilibrium Position: the position where the pendulum would be at rest when undisturbed (O) †¢ Amplitude (x0): maximum displacement from equilibrium position (OB or OA) – measured in metres. Time Period (T): the length of time to complete one cycle – measured in seconds †¢ Frequency (f): the number of cycles the pendulum makes per unit time – measured in 1/s or hertz (Hz) †¢ Angular frequency (? or 2? f): used when describing circular motion, or even an oscillation in the case of 2? equivalent to one cycle. Displacement: the distance of an oscillating body from its central position or point of equilibri um at any given moment. Amplitude: the absolute value of the maximum displacement from a zero value during one period of an oscillation.Frequency: the number of periods or regularly occurring events of any given kind in unit of time. This is usually measured in one second. Period: the time taken to complete one cycle of a regularly recurring phenomenon Phase Difference: Simple Harmonic Motion: vibratory motion in a system in which the restoring force is proportional to the displacement from equilibrium. This is expressed by the equation: a = -? ^2x Energy changes during simple harmonic motion (SHM): Kinetic energy = mv^2 /2 and the potential energy at any point = total energy – KE.Because no energy is lost when the total energy is a constant value, the energy when a body is active sees continual changes between kinetic and potential energy. Forced oscillations and resonance: Damping: The effect in which there is a loss of energy due to the friction in real oscillation. Exampl es of damping include: †¢ Light damping, critical damping, etc. Natural frequency of vibration Wave Characteristics: Damping: The effect in which there is a loss of energy due to the friction in real oscillation. Examples of damping include: †¢ Light damping, critical damping, etc.Natural frequency of vibration Wave Properties: Snell's Law relates the angle of incidence to the angle of refraction to the ratio of the velocity of the wave in the different media, which is always equal. It is stated by: sin i = v1 __________________________________________________________________________ sin r = v2 Diffraction takes place when a wave passes through a small opening. If the op Doppler Effect: The Doppler effect is where there is An change in the frequency of sound, light, or other waves as there is a change in the distance between the source and observer.The effect causes the sudden change in pitch noticeable in a passing siren, as well as the redshift seen by astronomers. Elect rical Currents Electrical potential difference, current and resistence: Electrical potential difference (Voltage) is the electric potential difference between two points — or the difference in electric potential unit of a unit test charge transported between two points. The electron volt is a unit of energy equal to approximately 1. 6? 10? 19 joule (J). It is the amount of energy gained by the charge of a single electron moved across an electric potential difference of one volt.Thus it is 1 volt (1 joule per coulomb, 1 J/C) multiplied by the electron charge (1e, or 1. 602176565(35)? 10? 19 C). Electric current is the flow of charge (i. e. the + of batteries is charged as it has higher PE and the current flows to -. The unit of current is the amp (A), a scalar quantity. Resistence is the rate at which charge current flow through a conducter is not much allowed. This normally depends on the conducters size and material. It is measured in ohm (? ). It is related to the cross sec tional area (A), length (L) and the material and the constant of proportionality is called the resistivity (p).Hence R = pL/A Ohm's law states that electric current is proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance in terms of flowing across and through it. If the potential difference across a conductor is V and the current flowing through it is I, then according to Ohm's law: V=IR. Ohmic conductor behaviour is demonstrated when graphing I against V of being a straight line Non-ohmic conductor behaviour is demonstrated when graphing I against V of not being a straight line. i. e. ight bulb filaments Electric circuits: Electromotive force (emf) refers to voltage output generated by a battery or by the magnetic force which states that a time varying magnetic field will induce an electric current. Internal resistence is the resistence of that of all cells that are made from materials that have resistance. If such a cell was connected to a resistor, there is less energ y to be converted to heat in the resistor and the potential difference across it less then the cell's emf. With Oh

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Long-Tеrm Plan for Black Amеrica

ThÐ µ Ð µconomic nationalism of BookÐ µr T. Washington, which rÐ µliÐ µd on businÐ µss ownÐ µrship to providÐ µ thÐ µ mÐ µans for group advancÐ µmÐ µnt, rÐ µprÐ µsÐ µnts thÐ µ classic capitalistic approach to Ð µconomic dÐ µvÐ µlopmÐ µnt. Throughout thÐ µ twÐ µntiÐ µth cÐ µntury, thÐ µrÐ µ havÐ µ bÐ µÃ µn a numbÐ µr of approachÐ µs suggÐ µstÐ µd for improving thÐ µ Ð µconomic viability of African-AmÐ µrican communitiÐ µs in thÐ µ UnitÐ µd StatÐ µs.GivÐ µn thÐ µ Ð µconomic discrimination and opprÐ µssion by institutions in thÐ µ largÐ µr sociÐ µty, many social thÐ µorists and urban Ð µconomists havÐ µ arguÐ µd that African-AmÐ µricans should usÐ µ thÐ µir sÐ µgrÐ µgatÐ µd social circumstancÐ µs to build a sÐ µparatÐ µ and autonomous Ð µconomic basÐ µ within thÐ µir own communitiÐ µs.ThÐ µ sharÐ µd Ð µxpÐ µriÐ µncÐ µ of social sÐ µgrÐ µgation, Ð µmploymÐ µnt discrimination, and minority status would providÐ µ th Ð µ rationalÐ µ for thÐ µ dÐ µvÐ µlopmÐ µnt of coopÐ µrativÐ µ Ð µntÐ µrprisÐ µs that would advancÐ µ thÐ µ Ð µconomic conditions of thÐ µ Ð µntirÐ µ black community.BusinÐ µss ownÐ µrship is sÐ µÃ µn as thÐ µ Ð µconomic Ð µnginÐ µ for thÐ µ community dÐ µvÐ µlopmÐ µnt procÐ µss. Еconomic dÐ µvÐ µlopmÐ µnt through thÐ µ promotion of Ð µntrÐ µprÐ µnÐ µurship Ð µxalts individualistic Ð µfforts and prÐ µdicts thÐ µ Ð µvÐ µntual â€Å"tricklÐ µ down† of bÐ µnÐ µfits from thÐ µ capitalists to thÐ µ workÐ µrs.Washington assumÐ µd that sincÐ µ Ð µntrÐ µprÐ µnÐ µurship has workÐ µd succÐ µssfully for many othÐ µr AmÐ µricans by bringing Ð µconomic and social advancÐ µmÐ µnt, it should do thÐ µ samÐ µ for African-AmÐ µricans.ЕntrÐ µprÐ µnÐ µurship is assumÐ µd to havÐ µ immÐ µnsÐ µ powÐ µrs. Еconomist Sol Ahiarah, a lattÐ µr-day proponÐ µnt of Washington's Ð µconomic philosophy, arguÐ µd that â⠂¬Å"by owning [businÐ µssÐ µs] and . . . controlling thÐ µir mÐ µans of livÐ µlihood blacks can solvÐ µ most of thÐ µir own problÐ µms and Ð µvÐ µn bÐ µ immunizÐ µd against racism† [Ahiarah 1993, 18].BusinÐ µss ownÐ µrship was promotÐ µd as thÐ µ mÐ µans for community rÐ µvitalization. For mÐ µ as for young black man thÐ µ plan has bÐ µÃ µn an attractivÐ µ onÐ µ bÐ µcausÐ µ it corrÐ µsponds with thÐ µ prÐ µvailing capitalistic Ð µthos in AmÐ µrican sociÐ µty. Many policymakÐ µrs havÐ µ bÐ µÃ µn so pÐ µrsistÐ µnt in thÐ µir rÐ µliancÐ µ on Ð µntrÐ µprÐ µnÐ µurship that altÐ µrnativÐ µ approachÐ µs wÐ µrÐ µ rarÐ µly considÐ µrÐ µd.Washington's Ð µconomic dÐ µvÐ µlopmÐ µnt proposals wÐ µrÐ µ a rÐ µsponsÐ µ to thÐ µ lÐ µgal sÐ µgrÐ µgation of that Ð µra. HÐ µ promotÐ µd appÐ µasÐ µmÐ µnt and political accommodation-thÐ µsÐ µ wÐ µrÐ µ thÐ µ hallmarks of his idÐ µological position. His ovÐ µrall objÐ µcti vÐ µ was sÐ µlf-sufficiÐ µncy, and hÐ µ was considÐ µrÐ µd thÐ µ lÐ µading advocatÐ µ of Ð µconomic nationalism in thÐ µ black community [ButlÐ µr 1985, 65].To Washington, thÐ µ dÐ µvÐ µlopmÐ µnt of black Ð µntrÐ µprÐ µnÐ µurship within thÐ µ confinÐ µs of thÐ µ sÐ µgrÐ µgatÐ µd black community was thÐ µ most viablÐ µ routÐ µ to Ð µconomic stability and Ð µquality. ThÐ µ Ð µconomic dÐ µvÐ µlopmÐ µnt of thÐ µ black community would bÐ µ proof to thÐ µ dominant whitÐ µ sociÐ µty that African-AmÐ µricans wÐ µrÐ µ Ð µqual [Blair 1977, 10].ThÐ µ Washington approach and thÐ µ Mondragon sharÐ µ only two common charactÐ µristics. First, both wÐ µrÐ µ dÐ µsignÐ µd to sÐ µrvÐ µ an Ð µthnically opprÐ µssÐ µd pÐ µoplÐ µ. SÐ µcond, Ð µach is toutÐ µd as a mÐ µans for achiÐ µving group advancÐ µmÐ µnt. UnlikÐ µ thÐ µ Mondragon, which makÐ µs social dÐ µvÐ µlopmÐ µnt Ð µssÐ µntial to Ð µconomic dÐ µvÐ µlopmÐ µnt, Washing ton's Ð µntrÐ µprÐ µnÐ µurial focus was only implicitly tiÐ µd to broadÐ µr social concÐ µrns such as group advancÐ µmÐ µnt.To Washington, thÐ µ primary issuÐ µ was individual Ð µconomic advancÐ µmÐ µnt. Еquality, and indÐ µÃ µd indÐ µpÐ µndÐ µncÐ µ, would bÐ µ achiÐ µvÐ µd as individual blacks provÐ µd thÐ µir ability to survivÐ µ in thÐ µ AmÐ µrican capitalist Ð µnvironmÐ µnt. Washington bÐ µliÐ µvÐ µd that blacks would achiÐ µvÐ µ thÐ µir civil rights only aftÐ µr thÐ µy had Ð µstablishÐ µd an Ð µconomic basÐ µ [Thornburgh 1969, 11].Washington's Ð µntrÐ µprÐ µnÐ µurial focus bÐ µnÐ µfittÐ µd a small group of individuals. ThÐ µ propÐ µnsity to bÐ µ Ð µlitist contrasts with thÐ µ intÐ µntions of thÐ µ foundÐ µrs of Mondragon, who wÐ µrÐ µ distrustful of Ð µlitÐ µ control. UnfortunatÐ µly, Washington's Ð µlitist approach rÐ µducÐ µs thÐ µ positivÐ µ impact that businÐ µss dÐ µvÐ µlopmÐ µnt can havÐ µ on thÐ µ widÐ µr community and thÐ µ likÐ µlihood of group advancÐ µmÐ µnt [WallacÐ µ 1993, 46].In his analysis of Washington's Ð µconomic program, social thÐ µorist Harold CrusÐ µ concludÐ µd that this approach â€Å"would not havÐ µ gonÐ µ vÐ µry far in allÐ µviating thÐ µ Ð µconomic disabilitiÐ µs of thÐ µ black rank and filÐ µ in thÐ µ industrial, agricultural, and sÐ µrvicÐ µ sÐ µctors† [CrusÐ µ 1987, 92].As an Ð µconomic dÐ µvÐ µlopmÐ µnt stratÐ µgy for thÐ µ black community, Ð µntrÐ µprÐ µnÐ µurship is a simplistic approach. It focusÐ µd solÐ µly on Ð µconomic issuÐ µs, whilÐ µ thÐ µ othÐ µr conditions Ð µndurÐ µd by blacks wÐ µrÐ µ to bÐ µ gradually attÐ µndÐ µd to through thÐ µ procÐ µss of tricklÐ µ down.Many othÐ µr Ð µthnic groups in thÐ µ UnitÐ µd StatÐ µs wÐ µrÐ µ ablÐ µ to bÐ µcomÐ µ sÐ µlf-sufficiÐ µnt bÐ µcausÐ µ thÐ µy could conduct businÐ µss within and outsidÐ µ thÐ µir immÐ µdiatÐ µ nÐ µigh borhoods and communitiÐ µs.HowÐ µvÐ µr, thÐ µ opportunity for Ð µxpansion is not availablÐ µ to black businÐ µssÐ µs. LÐ µgally sanctionÐ µd discrimination forcÐ µd black Ð µntrÐ µprÐ µnÐ µurs to takÐ µ an â€Å"Ð µconomic dÐ µtour,† around thÐ µ possibility of conducting businÐ µss bÐ µyond thÐ µir own communitiÐ µs. This dÐ µtour sÐ µriously limitÐ µd thÐ µ potÐ µntial dÐ µvÐ µlopmÐ µnt of black businÐ µssÐ µs and Ð µntrÐ µprÐ µnÐ µurship [ButlÐ µr 1985].In thÐ µ Crisis magazinÐ µ, W.C. MatnÐ µy madÐ µ this important obsÐ µrvation: Into this [frÐ µÃ µ Ð µntÐ µrprisÐ µ systÐ µm], wÐ µ find thÐ µ NÐ µgro first introducÐ µd as a slavÐ µ and dÐ µmÐ µd all rights.Today hÐ µ is a slavÐ µ of thÐ µ industrial and commÐ µrcial ordÐ µr by virtuÐ µ of thÐ µ industrial and commÐ µrcial rÐ µstrictions and dÐ µnials imposÐ µd upon him. HÐ µ livÐ µs in a compÐ µtitivÐ µ agÐ µ but must not compÐ µtÐ µ in a compÐ µti tivÐ µ markÐ µt [1930, 11].ThÐ µ problÐ µms of thÐ µ black community arÐ µ not mÐ µrÐ µly Ð µconomic as thÐ µ Ð µntrÐ µprÐ µnÐ µurial policy prÐ µsupposÐ µs. ThÐ µsÐ µ dilÐ µmmas rÐ µquirÐ µ comprÐ µhÐ µnsivÐ µ solutions.Tabb concludÐ µd that CDCs would not attain thÐ µ collÐ µctivÐ µ goal of community rÐ µvival bÐ µcausÐ µ thÐ µ stratÐ µgy callÐ µd for thÐ µ support of black Ð µntrÐ µprÐ µnÐ µurs who opÐ µratÐ µd for pÐ µrsonal profits.ThÐ µ failurÐ µ of many CDCs to fostÐ µr Ð µconomic advancÐ µmÐ µnt for urban blacks again dÐ µmonstratÐ µd thÐ µ inhÐ µrÐ µnt wÐ µaknÐ µss in black capitalistic vÐ µnturÐ µs as vÐ µhiclÐ µs of community dÐ µvÐ µlopmÐ µnt.Marcus GarvÐ µy's UnivÐ µrsal NÐ µgro ImprovÐ µmÐ µnt Association (UNIA) producÐ µd an altÐ µrnativÐ µ coopÐ µrativÐ µ modÐ µl for black community dÐ µvÐ µlopmÐ µnt that has also bÐ µÃ µn utilizÐ µd by othÐ µr groups including thÐ µ Nation of Islam and many black rÐ µligious dÐ µnominations. It sharÐ µs many charactÐ µristics with thÐ µ Mondragon.Although nÐ µvÐ µr fully rÐ µalizÐ µd, GarvÐ µy's stratÐ µgy Ð µnvisionÐ µd thÐ µ collÐ µctivÐ µ Ð µconomic advancÐ µmÐ µnt of African pÐ µoplÐ µs throughout thÐ µ world [A. GarvÐ µy 1967, 127].

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Google Stock Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Google Stock - Term Paper Example The Google search engine uses PageRank, Algortihms, Link Measurement, and Profiling as part of its objective to deliver the most accurate and most relevant results to the searcher. Google also offers a very successful email product called Gmail. Gmail is unique in that it allows the email account holder much more free space (7GB) than the average free email client. In my experience, Gmail is an exceptional email client as it provides many more services than the standard email. Google Maps is another successful application in that it is not just an average web mapping system. This advanced mapping system offers satellite imagery of most urban cities in the US and around the world. It also can be integrated with many mobile phones, which allows for a GPS mapping system directly on the phone. These features allow its users to find information and easily share it to anyone in the world. With the amount of traffic Google receives on a daily basis, Google has to have some kind of strategy to generate its revenue. One of Google's main sources of revenue is advertising. In 2007, advertising accounted for 99% of Google's revenues. Google implements two main advertising products which are AdSense and AdWords. AdWords is Google's flagship advertising product and main source of revenue ($16.4 billion in 2007). AdWords offers pay-per-click advertising, and site-targeted advertising for both text and banner ads. The AdWords program includes local, national, and international distribution. Section 3: The macroeconomics Google competes to attract and retain relationships with users, advertisers and Google Network members and other content providers in different strategies. Google competes to attract and retain users of its search and communication products and services. Most of the products and services that Google offer to users are free, so they do not compete on price. Instead, they compete in this area on the basis of the relevance and usefulness of their search results and the features, availability and ease of use of their products and services. Google has been an outstanding company in the marketplace ever since its inception and it continues to be and deliver exceptional service to the global market. The move into public ownership brought about more benefits to its employees as well as present and future shareholders. The founders of Google felt that the standard structure of public ownership might jeopardize the independence and focused objectivity that has been apart of Google's past succe ss. Google's leadership team wanted to preserve this aspect of the organization, so they implemented a corporate structure that is designed to protect Google's ability to introduce and retain its most distinctive characteristics. In 2007 and 2008, cash from Google's financing activities totaled $403.1 million and $87.6 million (Google Inc. 2009). Cash from financing activities is cash flow that takes place between organizations and stockholders and includes loans from bondholders and other creditors (Financial Education 2007). According to Google's numbers, the company is under no risk since the company does not rely solely on outside sources to generate its cash flow. Cash flow from Google's investing activities negatively increased in 2008 as it

Friday, September 27, 2019

How did the differences in Persian and Greek political and military Essay

How did the differences in Persian and Greek political and military organization determine the course of the Persian Wars - Essay Example It may be more than substantial to note that most of the facts on the Persian Wars were written by Greeks in what can be perceived as less than objective detail of account. The tyrants who were placed into office after their defeat at Ephesus in 498 B.C. created further conflict among the Hellinistic states. Sparta lend a hand to Alcmaeonidae to overthrow Hippias in 510 B.C. but it was still not enough to ensure a lasting alliance. The eventual coalition came to be in defense of Ionia wherein the leading factions were able to set aside their differences to be able to overcome Persian autocracy. ii The emergence of Greece as a strong compounded force made it difficult for the already dwindling Persian force to defeat it. As the war fizzled out, the huge Persian Army, which overshadows the Greeks in sheer number proved to be inadequate in comparison to the combined cunning and force of the Greeks. The internal conflicts among the different convictions within Athens in reference to other city-states were one of the main factors which contributed to the prolonged indifference to finally halt the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Writer's choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 11

Writer's choice - Essay Example The customer coming into a store, the average number of the customer to walk in Starbuck within a period of one hour is 32. This is however based on the average as the first hour, one customer may enter while the second hour 8 customer may enter and the value may continue to vary with passing each hour. Therefore, the Poisson distribution model helps us to get an estimate of the customer will enter within the given hours. The data will be given by the chance of an event happening, multiplied by the average raised to the power of X, multiplied by the natural number; e raised in the –ve of the average power which is again divided by the factorial of X. Kevin is one of the team members who arguably have a taste for shopping. In this case we are going to monitor the patterns of her online shopping using eBay as the study area. The information obtained from his online shopping habits will be used to project an analysis that will illustrate when likely Kevin will go shopping online. Averagely, the time Kevin goes for shopping online is 2. 6. This includes the average of the time when he would go for long hour and those he goes for just a short time. Having this data, it can be easy for us to determine the likely hood that he will go in the 2, 3, 4 or 5 hours. Jack is fond of using the word â€Å"right† whenever he wants to drive his point home. I think it also gives him the confidence and the power of conviction whenever he is having a chat with the rest of the members of the class. Using the Poisson distribution model, we can estimate the likelihood that he is going to use the word â€Å"right† in his conversation. As from the previous examples, In case of Starbuck Hotel, the data can be of importance in determining the amount of beverages and snacks to prepare. From the observations, the clients are more likely to come in the afternoon and evening hours. Besides, the

Mexican Politics and Culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Mexican Politics and Culture - Research Paper Example Since it gained independence from Great Britain, America has chosen the federal presidential form. Canada has long been federal parliamentary. Mexico on the other hand, seems to base its government structure with America. The United Mexican States (commonly known as Mexico) has no royal families unlike Canada. Mexico appears to have a very similar political system with United States due to the following factors: (1) presidential system (2) three autonomous branches (executive, legislative and judiciary) with checks and balances (3) federalism with a good amount of local autonomy. Notably, despite their sameness in political system, America and Mexico do not have the same economic status (Stacy, 2002). Like Canada, United States is one of the developed and industrialized countries of the world whereas Mexico belongs to the developing nations (Stacy, 2002). In lieu of that fact, this research paper will explore the respective political system of Mexico and United States. This will be f ollowed by a brief analysis of their similarities. At the end, an assessment shall be provided on whether or not their similar political structure is the reason for their economic disparity. The Mexican Political System Rogelio Hernandez-Rodriguez (2003) described the Mexican government as authoritative and the most successful to maintain a system which is dominated by one party. The PRI or the Institutional Revolutionary Party has long been controlling Mexican politics. This political party has ruled Mexico for almost seventy-one years (Klesner, 2005). Majority of the elected government officials of Mexico are affiliated with PRI. The authoritative nature of Mexican government is attributed to this fact. Nevertheless, despite the hegemony of PRI, Mexico has been politically stable (Rodriguez, 2003). The other political parties have done nothing bad for the government. It has been stressed that the country’s single party and presidential type of government are the major eleme nts of its effective institutional structure (Huntington, as cited in Rodriguez, 2003, p. 97). This is quite logical since a political party which continues to rule for several years can always focus on implementing its platforms. A one-party system promotes continuity of projects and more social services. Nonetheless, it does not allow other parties to contribute ideas to a great degree. The interest of the dominating party is always at the forefront of every political move. In fairness to Mexican citizens, they have been observed to recognize the reign of a single political party. Social acceptance of this reality has been imminent (Rodriguez, 2003). It could even be asserted that to a certain point, these citizens have been passive about the party’s dominance. Significantly, PRI experienced defeat in the last 2000 presidential election. The outcome of the election has shocked many journalists and politicians (Klesner, 2005). It was almost unbelievable on the part of Instit utional Revolutionary Party. One possible reason for the party’s defeat is the Mexican citizens’ discontentment or dismay with the administration largely controlled by PRI. The National Action Party’s (PAN) Vicente Fox won that particular election and served as Mexican president from 2000 to 2006 (Klesner, 2005). In the 2006 presidential race, a PAN candidate was also elected named Felipe Calderon (Klesner, 2005).

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Human Resource Management - Essay Example The main argument is that the framework for a diverse workplace is contingent on the successful development of these three categories. The article indicates that the motivating and controlling factor for diversity in the workforce is the headquarters. In this way there is the recommendation to begin planning diversity at this stage and then extend it to subsidiary organizations. Diversity variables are also noted as an important notion in that they consider the changing nature of diversity based on region. The author indicates that multicultural teams are effective as the multiplicity of perspectives creates opportunities for increased innovation. To a large part the article downplays reasons against diversity, although there are a few instances. For instance, while multicultural teams may be good for innovation, it is also possible that the divergence of viewpoints and backgrounds causes increased troubles for collaboration. Ultimately I found this article insightful in the way that it attempted to establish a framework for implementing diversity in the workforce. Still, I believe that the article lacks the detail that is needed to truly enact change, as there will be different challenges for different labor environments. Linda Gravett’s article ‘Diversity Efforts Can Support Business Imperatives’ considers diversity in terms of diverse business operations. For instance, there is the indication that businesses that are able to expand into international markets receive a greater competitive advantage. The author also makes the point that for organizations to increasingly survive they must consider diversity as a strong part of their missions and values. This vision of diversity refers to establishing a workforce with diverse talents and skills. Gravett later relays a story about working in Japan. During this period she was tasked with conducting a training program for her organization. The students were Japanese and refrained

Monday, September 23, 2019

Sholud Expectant Mother Be Tested for Drugs Essay

Sholud Expectant Mother Be Tested for Drugs - Essay Example The nation splits into a huge rift as we sit back and watch. No one wants to handle this sensitive issue. Not even the sovereign government of the USA. I know if I posed the very question before you today, none of you would want to stand alone and speak his mind. Yet you have all opted to respect the fourth amendment rights of the expectant mother at the expense of the innocent fetus. Ladies and gentlemen, let me confirm my heartfelt sentiments by asking you this very question again: should the expectant mothers undergo drug testing? Kindly let me breakdown this complex of prenatal drug testing for you, honorable people of the United States. According to the famous scientist, Sannersted, drug can be defined as any substance that when taken in can change the normal functioning of the mind (1996). This general description cages even the medicine we take from the hospitals in the cocoon of drugs. However, I would like all of us to shift our attention from the medicinal drugs. That sounds creepy, isn’t it? Yes. Think of the hard drugs in the major streets of our beloved nation. If you thought cocaine and heroin are only meant for ‘bad guys’ then think again. These drugs have found their way into our homes. Through the small crevices on our walls they have slithered into the heads of our expectant mothers and wives. I know many of you now wonder, like I do, why a woman with sound mind should deliberately take such drugs when she knows very well that she is carrying a fresh brain inside her womb. Well, not all expectant mothers do this intentionally. A handful of them usually do not even know they are pregnant while abusing the drugs. Funny, isn’t it? Nonetheless, this lack of knowledge does not make the effects any different; drugs have the same severity on the expectant mothers. Let me solve the aforementioned mystery first: most people will take drugs for

Sunday, September 22, 2019

5 questions about China law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

5 questions about China law - Essay Example In relation to a work of a Chinese citizen, term of protection for the right to lease his publication shall be the life of the author and 50 years after his death, and it expires on December 31 of the fiftieth year after the death of the author. In case of a collective work, term of protection expires on December 31 of the fiftieth year after the death of the last of the authors (Article 21 of Copyright Law of PRC, 2001). No. The genral name / generic name or model of a product or good in respect of which trade mark is used cannot be regisered as trade mark under the Trademark Law of PRC 2001 (FN 2). Similarly, the trade marks which consist exclusively of signs or indications which have direct reference to the quality, main raw material, function, intended purpose, weight, quantity or other characteristics of goods or services and the trade marks which are devoid of any distinctive character cannot be registered.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Contribution for Canadian Identity Essay Example for Free

Contribution for Canadian Identity Essay Throughout history, Canadian aboriginals have not been recognized for their contribution, sacrifices, and involvement in Canadian war efforts. During the First and Second World Wars, many aboriginals enlisted themselves in the services for the Canadian Armed Forces. In World War I, aboriginal soldiers like Corporal (Cpl). Francis Pegahmagabow and Henry Norwest helped advance the Canadian identity with their skills and bravery in Canadian fought battles. Tommy Prince in World War II worked hard to further maintain the Canadian identity. Aboriginal soldiers courage, sacrifices, and accomplishments further developed Canadian identity in World War I and World War II. Aboriginal, Corporal (Cpl) Francis Pegahmagabow contributed his brave actions for the development of the Canadian identity. It was during his first year on the Western Front that Pegahmagabow became one of the first Canadians to be awarded the Military Medal (MM). He received his MM for his service as a messenger in battles such the Battle of Ypres. Pegahmagabow was a messenger from February 1915 to February 1916; he â€Å"carried messages with great bravery and success during the whole of the actions at Ypres, Festubert and Givenchy.† [1] The bravery of Pegahmagabow resulted in the halt of the German advance. The defeat of the Germans was important in Canadian history because, the world now saw Canada as an independent nation that could unite as one to fight for their rights and freedom. Pegahmagabow was important because his job of delivering messages allowed access to information about the German advance which in turn resulted in a Canadian victory. This victory gave the Ca nadians an independent identity. At the Battle of Passchendaele, Pegahmagabow added the first bar to his MM for his work of running across the land through the tough war conditions to bring back valuable information for his unit. The information Pegahmagabow provided resulted in â€Å"the success of the attack and saving valuable time in consolidating.† [2] The courage of the aboriginal soldier Cpl. Pegahmagabow and his excellent work contributed to the success of the Canadians capturing the Passchendaele Ridge. The victory of the battle of Passchendaele was vital in the development of the Canadian identity because the British Army had previously tried to capture the Passchendaele Ridge for three months but had not succeeded. The Canadians captured the ridge mainly because of the support and the contribution of such soldiers like Pegahmagabow, and therefore Canadians accomplished goals that other countries had failed to do. During Pegahmagabow’s service in the Canadian Armed Forces Cpl. Pegahmagabow â€Å"captured 300 soldiers and shot 378.† [3] As a result of his achievements, Pegahmagabow served as a catalyst for Canada to be able to have a presence on a global scale. Cpl. Pegahmagabow was also a skilled marksmanship, which allowed him to succeed at the battlefront. Applying these skills resulted in a high number of casualties on the German side which, identified him as a valuable soldier. This was a great advantage for the Canadian side as the strength of the enemy forces was weakened, therefore Canadians were a step closer to wining the war. This achievement by an aboriginal soldier further contributed to the Canadian identity. Henry Norwest, another aboriginal, contributed to the development of the Canadian identity by utilizing his fine skills in sniping. Norwest was given his first MM after the capture of the Pimple peak on Vimy Ridge because, Norwest showed â€Å"great bravery, skill and initiative in sniping the enemy after the capture of the Pimple.† [4] The sniping skills Norwest possessed led to the Canadians capturing the peak on Vimy Ridge. Killing the enemy after the capture of the Pimple peak was important because, the skillful aboriginal saved a great number of Canadian soldiers. This battle was also of great significance in Canadian history, as Canadians, once again proved to the world that they are a capable, strong nation that that can overcome obstacles regardless of the circumstances or previous failed attempts. On the other hand, with the skills of aboriginal soldiers like Norwest, the Canadians were able to conquer the Pimple. Norwest had all the essential skills a sniper needed to be successful. Norwest had â€Å"excellent marksmanship, an ability to keep perfectly still for very long periods and superb camouflage techniques.†[5] These skills made Norwest a lethal Canadian aboriginal sniper. Being a lethal sniper, Norwest was crucial for the development in the Canadian identity. By camouflaging, Norwest deceived the enemy and hence sniped them. The contribution of this aboriginal soldier gave Canadians the identity as strategic planners. Norwest was a skilled and fatal sniper because he â€Å"achieved a sniping record of 115 fatal shots.† [6] Norwest shot down many enemy soldiers and as a result, this reduced the number of enemies to fight. By reducing the number of enemies, Norwest also enabled the Canadians to be another step closer to winning the war. Canadians proved that they are a mighty, powerful and strong army because of Canadian aboriginal soldiers such as Norwest, who shot down many enemy soldiers efficiently. In the Second world war, aboriginal soldier Tommy Prince’s brave actions and unique ability, led to the further enhancement of the Canadian identity. In 1944 in Italy, Tommy Prince showed his bravery while spying on a German camp. While he was reporting the German activity, his communication line was damaged but, â€Å"[b]y pretending to tie his shoes, he successfully repaired the break in full view of the German soldiers.†[7] Prince’s utmost bravery led to the destruction of four German tanks, which were shooting at the Allied forces. Prince risked his life to fulfill his duty as a spy. This act of the aboriginal soldiers bravery was pivotal for the development of the Canadian identity. Canadians proved that they are risk takers and are capable of fulfilling their duty with bravery. King George VI decorated Tommy Prince with the Silver Star and ribbon, an American honour because Prince â€Å"occupied new heights and successfully wiped out the enemy encampment area† [8] in the summer of 1944 for going behind enemy lines and locating a German camp. Tommy Prince located the camp and then with his brigade, captured more than 1000 German soldiers. This technique of locating the German camp led to the reduction in the number of German soldiers. This commendable mission carried out by aboriginal soldier, Prince, was essential for the development for the Canadian identity. This mission was significant because the world saw Canadians as a strong nation that has a strong military capable of destruction of the enemies. Tommy Prince had skills which allowed him to be a part of the special airborne force with â€Å"1600 of the toughest men to be found in Canada and the United States.† [9] Tommy Prince possessed essential paratrooper skills. He possessed the skills of landing and crawling on his belly, with the swiftness of a snake. These skills made Prince a successful paratrooper. The aboriginal soldier applied his exemplary skills at the battle front to further enrich the Canadian identity. Soldiers such as Prince were symbols to represent the Canadians as tactful and skillful warriors. During the First and the Second World Wars, many aboriginal Canadians volunteered for the Canadian Armed Forces and contributed in the development of the Canadian identity. With the unique and effective skills of Francis Pegahmagabow and Henry Norwest the Canadian identity was enhanced. Tommy Prince’s courage and dedication for his nation helped Canada gain a military reputation throughout the world. The contribution, sacrifices, and involvement of aboriginals should not be forgotten because aboriginal soldiers were important for the enrichment of the Canadian identity. Works Cited â€Å"Prince of the Brigade,† Canadian Government Site. Web. 28 April 2011 â€Å"Sharpshooter: Henry Louis Norwest,† Canadian Government Site. Web. 3 May 2011 â€Å"Treasures Gallery Francis Pegahmagabow’s Medals†, Canadian Museum of Civilization. Web.2 May 2011 Gaffen, Fred. Forgotten Soldiers, 1985 Penticton, B.C.: Theytus Books. Print Livesey, Robert, and A. G. Smith. The Great War. 2006 Markham, Ont.: Fitzhenry Whiteside. Print Lloyd, Dohla. â€Å"Thomas Prince: Canadas Forgotten Aboriginal War Hero.† First Nations Drum Canada’s National Native Newspaper, September 2002. Article. â€Å"Henry Norwest,† University of Calgary. Web. 29 April 2011 A Peaceful Man Veterans Affairs Canada. Veterans Affairs Canada. Web. 27 April 2011 Wheeler, Victor W. The 50th Battalion in No Mans Land, 2000, Ottawa, Ont.: CEF Books. Print [1] Veterans Affairs Canada, A Peaceful Man Veterans Affairs Canada., last modified 2011-02-23, http:/ [2] Canadian Museum of Civilization, â€Å"Treasures Gallery Francis Pegahmagabow’s Medals†, last modified 2010-05-27, [3] Livesey, Robert, and A. G. Smith. The Great War . Markham, Ont.: Fitzhenry Whiteside, 2006, 84 [4] University of Calgary â€Å"Henry Norwest,† last modified 2010, [5] Canadian Government Site. â€Å"Sharpshooter: Henry Louis Norwest,† Date Created: 1996-12-22, Date Modified: 2006-12-15, [6] Wheeler, Victor W. The 50th Battalion in No Mans Land, Ottawa, Ont.: CEF Books, 2000, 283 [7] Gaffen, Fred. Forgotten Soldiers, Penticton, B.C.: Theytus Books, 1985, 56 [8] Canadian Government Site. â€Å"Prince of the Brigade,† Date Created: 1996-12-22, Date Modified: 2006-12-15, [9] Lloyd, Dohla. â€Å"Thomas Prince: Canadas Forgotten Aboriginal War Hero.† First Nations Drum Canada’s National Native Newspaper, September 2002.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Impact Of Leadership On Innovation Management Essay

The Impact Of Leadership On Innovation Management Essay This paper details the nature and roles of leadership in the field of management innovation. Leadership broadens the organizational levels and initiates the innovation activity through motivating the employees and defining an effective structure for the proper functioning. Use of the concept could be done in a wide range of markets and at the degree of the novelty required. The innovation to make it happen within an organization, a link between the leadership systems and innovation strategies has been introduced. The policy implications recognizes the need for the different stages of the innovation process at different levels of the organizational structure , from which a stepping stone at every level can be achieved which will be followed by the Organizational implication which identifies a proper leader for different hierarchy levels and allows to perform according to the stages of innovation process. In total it clearly gives an idea about the ongoing activities in any organizatio n where an innovative activity occurs with the quality leadership in it and the levels of performance in any sector. Table of Contents 1. INNOVATION 8 1.1. Innovation Vs. Improvement 8 1.2. Innovation Vs. Invention 9 2. Elements for innovation: 10 3. Changing nature of the innovation process 11 3.1. Types of innovation 13 3.2. Innovation implementing methodology 14 4. Degree of Novelty in Innovation 16 5. Leadership Quantities for Innovation 17 6. Definition and Explanation of Leadership Skills 18 6.1. Communication 18 6.2. Integrity 20 6.3. Visions and Goal Statements 21 6.4. Teamwork 22 6.5. Relationships 23 6.6. Persuasion 24 6.7. Adaptability and Flexibility 25 6.8. Coaching and Development 26 6.9. Decision Making 27 6.10. 8.10. Planning 28 6.11. 8.11. Taking Risks 28 6.12. 8.12. Optimism and Motivation 29 7. Innovative Leadership Style and its Impact 31 8. Charismatic Leadership Style 32 8.1. Impact of Charismatic leadership style 32 8.1.1. Communicating with vision:- 32 8.1.2. Accelerating Innovation process:- 33 8.1.3. Leaders can become addicted to charisma:- 33 8.1.4. Organizations can become addicted to the charismatic leader:- 33 8.1.5. Charisma grows for its own sake and forgets its purpose:- 33 8.2. Case Study 34 9. Instrumental Leadership Style 36 9.1. Impact of Instrumental leadership style 36 9.1.1. Structures a innovation process:- 36 9.1.2. Controls a process:- 37 9.1.3. Rewards the innovators:- 37 9.1.4. Constrain to maintain high motive level:- 37 10. STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP STYLE: 38 10.1. STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP PRESUMES: 38 10.2. The strategic leader use different hierarchical position to create innovation structures and processes in the organization such as, 39 10.3. FUNCTIONS OF STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP IN INNOVATION. 40 10.4. A CASE STUDY OF THE IMPACT OF STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP IN A HIGH-WAY ROAD PROJECT. 40 11. INTERACTIVE INNOVATION LEADERSHIP : 42 11.1. THE MOST EFFECTIVE WAY TO EXERCISE INTERACTIVE LEADERSHIP TOWARDS ACCELERATING CHANGE AND INNOVATION IS TO: 42 11.2. THE INTERACTIVE LEADER CO-INNOVATES WITH OTHER MANAGERS, EMPLOYEES AND SUBORDINATES BY, 42 11.3. Interactive leadership pathway: 43 11.4.   Effective leaders usually practice the following techniques: 43 11.4.1. Sell the Vision of the organization 43 11.4.2. Walk the Talk with the employees. 43 11.4.3. Empower and Delegate 44 11.4.4. Create Urgency in the process 44 11.4.5. Openly Communicating with everyone in the organization. 44 11.4.6. Removing Obstacles/barriers. 44 11.4.7. Celebrate the Little Successes 44 11.5. THE IMPACT OF INTERACTIVE LEADERSHIP IN AN INNOVATIVE PROJECT 45 List of Figures: INNOVATION Innovation is a key word probably being used more than ever by any type of individuals, groups or organizations; from scientist to artists, from engineers to craftsmen. Whether it is the business surroundings or non-profit organizations, political or educational associations, whether it is a developed or a developing market, whether a product or service offering, with high technology or mass production;  the word of innovation is word being recognized as one of the most credible one and term of being innovative sounds as the ultimate path to success in any changing environments especially in terms of globalization. In order to use the terms of innovation one should understand what really innovation is, in order to understand what is in the core of innovation and the description of it one should most likely distinguish the term innovation from the terms and definitions that are considered as synonyms or to have very similar meanings and practices. Although these terms could be inter -related or connected to Innovation in somehow in some phases, they cannot be considered as Innovation itself. These misunderstood terms are Invention, Improvement, Being Innovative is also a term most of the time described as being creative, entrepreneur or just able to handle complexity, therefore after distinguishing the term of innovation, the term of being innovative should be described considering these influencing characteristics. Finally Innovation is a important dimension of the change process therefore the importance of innovation in change process should be identified in order lead reasonable descriptions and definitions of Innovation. After this we can discuss the generation of innovation, types of innovation, methodology of it and finally carry on to the impact of leadership on Innovation (Mintzberg 2003) Innovation Vs. Improvement Although Continuous improvement may end up with an innovation most of the time, defining innovation with a series of incremental changes as a result of continuous improvements would be an insufficient explanation of innovation. The reason is that incremental changes depends on the lessons learnt and follows a horizontal path throughout the idea processing and knowledge creation, in the case of an innovative idea, a leap in the idea processing is observed, a vertical step in time where the track of previous improvement cant be followed or even found irrelevant to the idea discovered. As it can be understood from the term itself improvements follow a continuous path, but innovations are better described as in continuous breakthroughs from the formal horizontal path. The underlying principle with the innovation is that it deserves not only certain amount of time which can be illustrated by the continuous improvements accomplished through lessons learnt and analysiss but also depends upo n certain amount of space which can be explained by the occurrence of some events and situations that triggers this leap in the understanding and level of cognition. To enable a qualified process to overcome sophisticated needs of innovation, continuously improvement is necessary but not sufficient. (Mintzberg 2003) Innovation Vs. Invention Invention is another term being considered with Innovation most of time. What leads to an invention is the orientation of both horizontal and vertical changes, in other words continuous improvements harmonized with innovations. Several Innovations turn into an invention which deserves relatively more time and effort. Some descriptions distinguish innovation as a integrating activity of different disciplines, technologies, approaches, understandings or perspectives whereas claiming invention as of a specific level of change made on a certain study field for long periods. Actually what differs invention from innovation is that invention includes several innovations which lead to a more horizontal and vertical change that makes it even harder to track the continues and integrated improve (Eversheim 2009) Elements for innovation: 1.Basic needs for innovation (Park 2005) Changing nature of the innovation process The change of innovation is completely based on the generations and its requirements. Till now there is five generation of innovations First generation (1950-1960): (Research push) Science and technology Market Research Manufacture Development Marketing Sales Figure:2 First generation innovation process (Dodgson et al. 2008) Second generation (1965-1975): (Demand pull) Science and technology Market Manufacture Sales Research development Market and demand Figure 2: Second generation innovation process (Dodgson et al. 2008) Third generation (1980-1986): Research , Development, Design, Prototyping, Testing, Operations, Marketing, Sales, Service. (Coupling) Science and technology Market Market Communication and feedback loops Figure 3: Third generation innovation process (Dodgson et al. 2008) Fourth generation (1986-2000): (Collaborative) Suppliers Cross functional teams, process based organization Research, Development, Design, Prototyping, Testing, Operations, Marketing, Sales, Service Horizontal research Alliance Science and technology Market Customers Figure 4: Fourth generation innovation process (Dodgson et al. 2008) Fifth generation (2005-2010): Process driven by: Innovative strategy High level organizational and technological integration (Strategic and integrated) Strategic and technological integration with customers, Suppliers, Innovation communities and networks Figure 5: Fifth generation innovation process (Dodgson et al. 2008) Types of innovation The six focus areas for innovation are: Product What we produce and sell Process Continuous improvement of how we do that Marketing Exceeding customer expectations Organization Business strategies, systems and structures Open Working beyond boundaries and collaborating globally Value Creating unique value that eliminates the cost to compete Among these six major four types of innovation in practice are as follows:- Product innovation: Product innovations can be based on new uses or combinations of existing knowledge or technologies. The term product is used to cover both goods and services are referred as product innovation.(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 2005) Process innovations : Production methods involve the techniques, equipment and software used to produce goods or services are referred as process innovation.(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 2005) Marketing innovation: Marketing innovations includes changes in product design that are part of a new marketing concept. Product design changes refer in product form and appearance that do not alter the products or characteristics. They also include changes in the packaging of products, where packaging is the main determinant of the products appearance. Innovations in product design can also include the introduction of significant changes in the form, appearance or taste of food or beverage products, such as the introduction of new flavors for a food product in order to target a new customer segment.(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 2005) Organizational innovation This kind of innovation can be intended to increase a firms performance by reducing administrative costs, transaction costs, improving workplace satisfaction or cost for supplies.(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 2005) Innovation implementing methodology The planning phases of the Innovation Roadmap methodology are as follows Goal setting Future analysis Idea generation Idea evaluation Idea detailing Concept evaluation Implementation planning Controlling.(Eversheim 2009) The below figure illustrates the common innovative and Triz methodological thinking for a new innovation. Figure 6: Innovation methodology (Gao Changqing 2005) Degree of Novelty in Innovation Three concepts for the novelty of innovations are discussed below: new to the firm, new to the market, and new to the world. New to the firm: A product, process, marketing method or organizational method may already have been implemented by other firms, but if it is new to the firm then it is an innovation for that firm. New to the market: Innovations are new to the market when the firm is the first to introduce the innovation on its market. The market is simply defined as the firm and its competitors and it can include a geographic region or product line. New to the world: Innovations are new to the world when the firm is the first to introduce the Innovation for all markets and industries, domestic and international. New to the world therefore implies a qualitatively greater degree of novelty than new to the market(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 2005) Leadership Quantities for Innovation This text is based on à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Concepts of Leadership by Donald Clark. An organization needs to remain competitive a vision. That vision can be reflected in for example new products, services or a reorganization of the organizations structure. The assignment of the leading staff is, to accomplish those visions by leading the employees. Leading in that case means to influence the employees to accomplish the goals and objectives. Leadership is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾The activity of leading a group of people or an organisation, or the ability to do this. To lead other people, for a leader it is necessary to be familiar with important leadership knowledge and leadership skills. Leader`s attributes or traits like beliefs, values, ethics and character will influence directly the leadership skills and the leadership style. Additional to some of the leadership skills, which will be short presented and explained during the next pages, there are some principles of leadership which help to become a better leader. Know yourself and seek self-improvement Be technically proficient Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions Make sound and timely decisions Set the example Know your people and look out for their well-being Keep your workers informed Develop a sense of responsibility in your workers Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished Train as a team Use the full capabilities of your organization Definition and Explanation of Leadership Skills Communication Definition: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾ Two- way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange (encode-decode) information but also create and share meaning. This text is based on à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Communication and Leadership by Donald Clark. Most problems and failed projects in an organization are the results of a wrong communication process or lower communication skills. A failed communication occurs, if the receiver does not understand exactly the information, order or idea which the sender tried to transmit. To prevent confusions and misunderstandings during a communication, a good leader has to know the basics of an effective communication and has to train his communication skills. To get an idea how a communication process is constructed, the communication process can divide into three steps: Thought The message which can be an idea, a concept, informations or feelings will be formed in the mind of the sender. Encording The message, which is formed in the mind of the sender, will be send verbal, nonverbal or with symbols. Decording To understand the meaning of the message, the receiver translates the information with procedures he understands. During a communication the message of the sender will include two elements. These two elements are related to each other. The right interpretation of the elements on both sides (sender and receiver) is very important for an effective communication. The first element is the content. The content includes the verbal information. Verbal informations like spoken words or symbols can be combined to phrases, which then make sense. The verbal content in a message is around 38%. The sender has to be sure that the receiver understands the verbal informations in the right way, otherwise there will be a possibility for misunderstandings and confusions on the receiver side. Many words have different meanings and also the interpretation of the meanings of words can be different. A big possibility for misunderstandings and confusion could also be the circumstance, if one of the participants does not speak the same language or is not a native speaker. The language content in a message is around 7%. A good leader has to train his verbal skills to deliver his message correct to the employees. The second element of a message is the context. The context describes the nonverbal elements. Nonverbal elements include all elements which describe the way how the message was delivered. The nonverbal communication is very important in the communication style. The nonverbal content of a message is around 55%. It delivers feelings to the receiver. The possibility for misunderstandings and confusions on the receiver s side is extremely high, if the nonverbal elements do not fit to the verbal elements. Examples for nonverbal elements are: The body language Examples are the body posture, eye contact and movements. Hand gestures Hand gestures are used to underline words or phrases. The state of emotion States of anger, fear or uncertainty are mostly negative emotions. Elements in speech The tone of the voice. A good leader has to train, in addition to his verbal skills, also his nonverbal skills to deliver his message correct to the employees. Behaviors like eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture and body orientation, proximity and vocal techniques shall be a part of the communication. A second important case of communication is the listening part. It can be distinguished between active listening and passive listening. Passive listening means, if the receiver just listens to the senders message. Much informations get lost, because the receiver does not listen carefully. Active listening is the opposite of passive listening. The receiver spends attention to the senders speech to understand the words and feelings. For a good leader it is important to spend more time on active listening than on talking in meetings and other conversations. A possibility to be sure that the receiver understood the message in the right way is the feedback. In a feedback, the receiver tells the sender in his own words, how he understood the message verbal and nonverbal. An advantage is that the sender has the chance to explain the message with other words directly, if the receiver understood the message in a wrong way. Fails or problems can be prevented. Also there is the chance to get into a discussion which could affect the message and communication in a positive way. A feedback is absolutely a benefit for an effective communication. A leader should be familiar with presentation techniques and tools. They are very helpful for highlighting messages, informations, facts and data and make sure for a better understanding. Also it is easier to reach more people in a shorter time. Integrity Definition: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Strict adherence to a moral code, reflected in transparent honesty and complete harmony in that one thinks, says, and does. This text is based on à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾The importance of integrity to leadership by Siti Ibrahim. Integrity has a big influence on the organization`s structure, the staff and the organization`s publicity. Integrity includes honesty, reliability and trustability and is a part of a positive trait. An integrity based leadership is an interaction between the leader and the employees which benefits the trust, acceptance and respect for each other. Also the communication will have a benefit of integrating an integrity based leadership style. The staff will be more open to accept mistakes, critics and will not be afraid of receiving any negative feedback. This will decrease stress and anxiety. The behavior of the leaders will influence the employees. If an organization has many integrity leaders and employees, individuals with a flawed character will not last long in the organization. Integrity prevents negative actions like corruption or mobbing. From the economical point of view, it is for an organization very important to have many integrity leaders, because the prestige in public will increase. Visions and Goal Statements Definition: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾ An aspirational description of what an organization would like to achieve or accomplish in the mid-term or long-term future. It is intended to serves as a clear guide for choosing current and future courses of action. This text is based on à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Leading and Leadership by Donald Clark. A leader needs a strong vision where to go to. Employees want a vision for what they are working for. The leaders assignment is to give the employees a vision. The factors which let employees follow are clearly defined goals and trust. The leader has to set goals to realize the visions. These goals should be: Realistic Attainable Improve the organization All employees should be involved in the goal setting process A program should be developed to achieve the goals Inspiration helps to induce employees to do something, because the task will get a purpose. Also motivation has a big influence to the implementation of a task.(Gao Changqing 2005) Teamwork Definition: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾ The process of working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a goal. In addition to be able to work as a leader in a team, it is for a leader even more important to be able to form a team and stick it together. This ability is based on the knowledge of: The employees To know the strengths and weaknesses in the technical- , social- and creative-abilities of each employee. Group dynamics To know the coherent of behaviors and psychological processes in a group. Psychology To appreciate charakters of individuals correctly. Team communication To know the rules of communication and to be able to communicate with more people simultaneous. The leader has to get also into the role as a moderator. A usual mistake of leaders is that they form their team out of employees which are too similar. A better output of teamwork will be achieved the more diverse the team members are. The diversity resultates out of: Opinions Backgrounds Capabilities Relationships Definition: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾A connection between variables, such as a correlation, or between people, such as a marriage. Relationships are for an organization very important. It helps to increase the loyalty of the employees to the organization, products and participants. There can also be relationships to suppliers, customers and other organizations or departments. Some benefits for the organization are: Loyal customers, suppliers, employees It will increase sales and market share Exchange of information Increasing the communication in a positive way Increasing the motivation Decreasing the sickness absence rate Increasing the workflow because of better connections Relationship is based on respect, trust, acceptance, support, understanding, share and celebrating and freedom. For a leader it is important to care for the employees and the organization. A leader should be able for building relationships and networks with and between employees and other contacts. (Dodgson et al. 2008) Persuasion Definition: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾ Process aimed at changing a persons (or a groups) attitude or behavior toward some event, idea, object, or other person(s), by using written or spoken words to convey information, feelings, or reasoning, or a combination of them. This text is based on à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Leadership by Persuasion Four Steps to Success by Patsi Krakoff,Psy.D.. One of the most important leadership skills which a leader should have is the ability to persuade. Persuasion is related to trust, relationship and communication. By persuasion, people can be influenced to do something voluntary. The benefit is that the people act without coercion, because they are convinced to do something which makes sense in their minds.The leader must only give a reasonable reason. The success of a leader to realize the visions and goals depends on the persuasion skill. The four steps to a successful persuasion are: Establish credibility Expertise and relationships are the sources which develop credibility.Necessary is active listening to other peoples suggestions. Their opinions should be valued. Data and informations should be collected to support the own arguments. Understand the audience Identify benefits to which the audience relates. Identify the interests of important people in the group like decision makers or stakeholders. Reinforce position Arguments should be logical and have consistent facs and experience, should be addressed to audiences interests and neutralize alternatives. Connect Emotionally The communication to the audience should be a mix of intellectual and emotional commitment.(Mintzberg 2003) Adaptability and Flexibility Definition: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Ability of an entity or organism to alter itself or its responses to the changed circumstances or environment. Adaptability shows the ability to learn from experience, and improves the fitness of the learner as a competitor. Flexibility and adaptability are necessary for innovations. Without flexibility and adaptability an organization will become inflexible and will not be able to react on intern or extern changes. The business of a leader is to realize the visions and goals with the help of the staff. Problems have to be solved. Solution orientated working will be more effective, if a leader is flexible and adaptable in mind. The ability on changing strategy, plans or programs to unforeseen events will be easier and more successful, because the motivation to change old practices will be higher. With a flexible and adaptable thinking, a leader will be able to find more solutions for a problem and the chance to project similar situations from the past to current situations to find solutions or strategies will increase. A flexible and adaptable leader sees innovations and changes as an opportunity for improvement. Coaching and Development A leader has to be able to coach and develop employees. It is very important to have the focus on coaching and developing young and upcoming employees. These employees often do not have much experience but if they have just finished the university they have a current status of know-how. The benefits are that these employees are motivated and learn in a correct way the skills they really need for the job. Also they bring new influences into the team and gain greater competence. Coaching helps to overcome barriers and to improve job performance. Decision Making Definition: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾The thought process of selecting a logical choice from the available options. This text is based on à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Decision Making Skills by mindtools. Every day a leader has to make decisions. Those decisions have to be timely and well considered, otherwise projects can fail or problems will occur. Decisions can be separate to long term decisions like program activities in two years and short decisions like program activities in the next week. Typically involved issues in long term or short term decision are still the same. Unknowing facts, many interrelated factors, high risk consequences, alternatives and interpersonal issues will make to find the best decision for a leader even harder. To be able to make better decisions, a leader should use a logical, organized and systematic decision making process. It helps to find critical elements and important factors. A decision making process can base on six steps: Creating a constructive environment By establishing the obje