Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Comparing Do not go gentle and Ferne Hill by Dylan Thomas...

Comparing Do not go gentle and Ferne Hill by Dylan Thomas When reviewing the work of Dylan Thomas, one can see that he changes his style of language, such as using metaphors and imagery, to fit each poem accordingly. In the poems, Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night, and Fern Hill, which are the poems I will be looking at in this presentation, he uses different techniques and language to make each poem more effective to the reader. I have chosen these works because they are his most well known, I shall start off by reading the poem â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle†¦Ã¢â‚¬  even if it was written after Fern Hill, as it is the most famous of all his works. Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night is addressed to Thomas father, giving him advice†¦show more content†¦Thomas is then able to compare these men to his father in the concluding quatrain. Dylan Thomas poetry is rich in imagery and metaphorical language. The opening line, Do not go gentle into that good night, contains an euphemistic metonymy for death. That good night is a word association for death, but is described as good in order to overcome the negative connotation usually attached with the idea of death. Also, the word gentle which is an adjective, is used instead of gently, the adverb which more commonly would be used. Thomas does both of these and is found describing the man and providing a tighter bond to the poem. In the line, Old age should burn and rave at close of day, old age can be seen as personification, but can also be interpreted as metonymy for his father. Burn and rave are strong emotions Thomas feels his father should take against the close of the day which is a metaphor for death. In the second stanza, the phrase dark is right represents a concise acknowledgement of the intellectual recognition how death is unavoidable; however, the awareness that his fathers words had forked no lightning is a metaphor for the failure to influence the powerful and brilliant forces in society (Grolier 231). In the next stanza, the line Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, the poet is now using imagery with the waters, however it can also be a metaphorical representation of life due to

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